‹Merdb› The Breakfast Club Download
Casts=Judd Nelson; Countries=USA; Runtime=1 h 37minute; 8 of 10 star; They were five students with nothing in common, faced with spending a Saturday detention together in their high school library. At 7 a.m., they had nothing to say, but by 4 p.m., they had bared their souls to each other and become good friends. To the outside world they were simply a Brain, an Athlete, a Basket Case, a Princess, and a Criminal, but to each other, they would always be the Breakfast Club; Release Date=1985
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She look like female Triple H. I just love their WTF faces watching Allison making her sandwich. Seen the move numerous times and this scene still makes me laugh. http://nidanzoku.duckdns.org/sitemap.xml Its funny cause Bender dropped the most truth bombs, and they cant handle the truth. Bender made the movie.
Classic line. Demented and social. Love it.
Shes looks like a damn fool with that wig on. Someone could have told her she looks like a black n mild.
I literally just heard of him and liked some of his music. I just started listening to his music last week and then this happens. 😩🥴.
Ive never even heard of this show, but since Ive seen this episode of the breakfast club I definitely will check it out.
A very good interview.
The dude in the blue is a whole mood 0:49 😂😂😂.
Damm, Pop survived the trenches of BK broke but only to get rich & killed in the Hollywood hills #RIPPopSmoke #IWillNeverSayPopAndForgetTheSmoke.
Least accurate wrestler lunch ever. If the season is still ongoing and he needs to make weight, the only thing he should be eating is that apple.
Please, Dwayne, Give him back to his Biological Mother not the Queen of Darkness.
Seems like ole girl was bragging about taking somebodys eye out.